Miscellany Rogan and Drudge So, Rogan left California and moved to Texas. I'm guessing Texas' income tax rate (zero) looks pretty good next to California's (12.3%). If he's bringing in $10,000,000 per year, that's $1,230,000 a year
Drudge Everyone is "atwitter" about what has happened to Matt Drudge. The Jewish Drudge has always been friendly to libertarian and Catholic sentiments, with a conservative streak. Starting at the beginning of 2020, however, he turned hard left . . . or at least, "Hard Anti-Trump." His negative COVID reporting
Miscellany Sports and Ghosts Ha. People said sports will never be the same. They were wrong. The Lions blew another big lead on opening day. I think this is the third year in a row. I hear the woke coverage of NCAA football was pretty bad on Saturday. I wasn'
From Correspondence Me to a young man who read the McLuhan piece at Medium [https://medium.com/the-apeiron-blog/cell-phones-radio-driving-and-the-philosophy-of-marshall-mcluhan-9d0071c3eb53] (which is trending well, btw) and is interested in the effects of social media Given your interest in the effects of social media, McLuhan is probably right up your alley. VERY hard read.
From Medium Garden Writing is About More than Plants The biographical, philosophical, meditational, and countercultural world of American gardening literature Riddle: What literary genre has historical roots that predate Socrates; features hundreds of American writers including Thoreau, Washington Irving, and Edith Wharton; and is a genre that you've probably never
White Culture A long-time question of mine finally answered: Why Can't You Wear White After Labor Day? [https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/12424/why-cant-you-wear-white-after-labor-day] The article says that the number of rich Americans increased dramatically around 1900. In order to distinguish the old rich from the new rich, the old
BYCU I Don't Love the Nightlife and I Don't Got to Boogie But I miss the bars “There is nothing which has yet been contrived by man, by which so much happiness is produced as by a good tavern or inn.” Samuel Johnson Like Samuel Johnson and
Gardening Journals I grew tons of Roma tomatoes this year, specifically for canning. Marie made it clear that she didn't want to can. I made it clear that I would. Then things got crazy at the office and I ran out of time. It became her job to can tomatoes
Ouch > Cold blooded interstate sign in Jackson, MS this morning. (Via @tcounts5 [https://twitter.com/tcounts5?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw]) pic.twitter.com/7kKEk6P3zP [https://t.co/7kKEk6P3zP] > — Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) September 1, 2020 [https://twitter.com/ClayTravis/status/1300772814920785921?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw]
Medium My most popular essay at Medium delves into The Dumb Ox: Twelve Aquinas Aphorisms [https://medium.com/the-philosophers-stone/twelve-aquinas-aphorisms-ecf0ba9d9951] Simple observations from the medieval poster boy will give you new perspectives ”A brave man is also patient.” This is an uncomfortable truth in our modern world. Why are we rushing,