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Miscellaneous Rambling

Ceiling. Trastevere

Welcome to Clean Monday "Clean Monday (Greek: Καθαρά Δευτέρα), also known as Pure Monday, Ash Monday, Monday of Lent or Green Monday, is the first day of Great Lent in the Eastern Orthodox Christian, Saint Thomas Christians of India and Eastern Catholic churches. It is a movable feast that occurs at the beginning of the 7th week before Orthodox Easter Sunday."

Ceiling. Trastevere

This was the best thing I read all weekend: "The University of Missouri (MU) is losing about 1500 students and is facing a huge $32 million budget shortfall four months after it attracted national attention as the site of massive race-based campus protests." Moreover, the Republican-controlled Missouri congress won't bail them out because it's disgusted with how the University handled the situation.

Ceiling. Trastevere

This was the best thing I read all weekend: "That Missouri story was the feel-good story of the year. I wrote earlier: "First the Michael Sam charade then this debacle. Missouri has become a joke. Well, all higher education is a joke, but somehow, Missouri has gotten itself in the idiot vanguard." It appears the ordinary people of this country are finally standing up to the lunacy that has been unleashed in droves. I've heard of high school girls staging mass walk-outs when they're told boys who feel like girls (despite every piece of DNA in their body saying differently) can access the girls restrooms, people are flocking to Trump (though I didn't vote for him), and now thousands of Missouri families are refusing to send their kids to the bedrock of idiocy known as "Mizzou." It warms the heart, it really does. Long-time TDE readers know I pretty much gave up on this country years ago. I'm now thinking my disillusionment was premature.

Ceiling. Trastevere

I've received nothing but positive responses to the "Miscellaneous Rambling" feature, so expect more this week. If you don't like it, tough please let me know. Thanks.

