LARPing, Reality, and Fraud
This nascent essay needs work, but it's a decent blog post.
The essay could take a few directions.
E.g., Fantasy role-playing is fun, but now take your character into the real world. You're Kick-Ass, coming to beat that inner-city thug, only to find yourself on
A Micro History of the Holy Roman Empire
The HRE started when Charlemagne received the emperor crown from Pope Leo in 800 or when Otto got the crown from Pope John in 962. The HRE then went through twists and turns, up and downs, was controlled by the Hapsburg family starting in 1438, until it was dissolved under
Eric Voegelin: Timeline Biographical Sketch
1901: Born in Cologne.
1910: Moved to Vienna.
1922: Received doctorate in political science from the University of Vienna. While there, he attended seminars by Ludwig von Mises and developed a lasting friendship with F.A. Hayek.
1922-1926: Studied at the universities of Berlin, Heidelberg, Oxford, Columbia, Harvard, and Wisconsin.
The Metaphor: Transcendence-Tao-RH-LH
Our connection to reality is kind of like our connection to the Internet. The Internet Metaphor is marked in white.
Transcendence: Internet
Tao: Modem
Right Hemisphere: Router
Left Hemisphere: Devices that Let Us Enjoy the Internet
Now look at modern culture's tendency to disconnect from The Reality Spectrum.
On Jacques Philippe
I bit the bullet and bought the entire Jacques Philippe Scepter Publishing collection.
For years, I've eschewed contemporary spiritual writers. Mostly because I'm just arrogant. I figured that only the great ones can teach me anything, and you don't know who's great
The Free Press on Tucker Carlson
Bari Weiss' Free Press says Tucker Carlson is a loon. Me? I'm not sure what to think.
Excerpts from Joseph Bottum's "Christians and Postmoderns"
[T]hough we cannot revert, we nonetheless have resources that may help us to advance beyond these late times. The modern project that attacked the Middle Ages has itself been under attack for some time. For some time, hyper-modern writers have brought to bear against their modern past the same
"Catholic is About as Sane as You Get"
Jordan Peterson, interviewing James Lindsay. Go to 39:08: Peterson:
One of the things I learned from you is that Catholic was about as sane as you get. So you destroy that, if you think the Catholics are insane, you wait until you see what that's protecting you
Community Gardens
This is an odd little piece. The author applauds gardening because it is a great example of Joseph Pieper's "active leisure." That's a great observation.
But she puts it in the context of community gardens, which, the author says, lead people to sharing produce,