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See The World of Total Work Podcast Episode

7 Reasons Why You Should Have Multiple Streams of Income: (5) Allows You To Be Creative. Having multiple streams of income isn't all about the money. In fact, sometimes people start a side hustle, small business, or freelance because it's fun and a creative outlet!

It Wants to Control the TDE Blog?

The Amazon Publishing Juggernaut: What does the e-commerce giant want with the notoriously fickle world of publishing? To own your every reading decision.

David Foster Wallace's Pen Pal

She never found out why Dave had to stop writing, though it coincided with the moment when he stopped taking medication to control his depression and began to withdraw. But she never probed Dave. She expected they would, at some point in the future, pick up the correspondence where they'd left off.

(See TWE Episode 25.)

Kuntsler on Epstein

The Federal Bureau of Prisons has some 'splainin' to do, and they didn't bother doing much of that on Sunday after the news came out. They failed entirely at every critical point of responsibility for keeping the DOJ's number one criminal suspect alive: took him off suicide watch a week after he tried to off himself (if that's what it was); failed to keep him on observation; failed to provide a cell-mate who might have alerted the guards; and failed to deploy viable video cameras to record the doings in his cell.

Probably Satire

Six-Year-Old Saying, 'Why Don't We Just Give Everything Away For Free?' Surges To Top Of Democratic Polls

Grammar Nerd Corner

In praise of the semicolon, a most maligned punctuation mark: The semicolon gives me the best of both worlds. It helps me pause, and have a think, and yet pushes me forward to what I want to say next. It separates and unites simultaneously. It does a job that no other punctuation mark does. And the way to see this is to develop a sense of the contrast.
