Readers: You will find the feature publication, The Wednesday Eudemon, after this post.
Patronize the Stores that Make You Nauseous?
And we thought pop-up ads were annoying. From today's LA Times:
“Forget television and radio spots, print ads and those pesky Internet pop-ups. The latest in advertising is right under – or in this case over – your nose. Meet the human billboard.
"Last month, Andrew Fischer, 20, of Omaha offered primo ad space on EBay – his forehead. The winner would design a temporary tattoo to be branded onto Fischer's brow for all to see for a month's time.
"'As I go around town doing my thing ”¦ your domain name will be plastered smack dab on my 'noggin,' Fischer said in his EBay listing, dubbing himself 'average Joe.'
"The winner of Fischer's forehead, Westlake-based SnoreStop, which manufactures snoring remedies, couldn't be more excited about the advertising opportunity.
"'I saw him on 'Good Morning America' and then, bam! I said, I need to have that guy,' SnoreStop Chief Executive Christian de Revel said. Revel forked over $37,375 to Fischer for him to sport the big red letters of the SnoreStop logo on his forehead . . .
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"Fischer is one of a growing number of people around the country and in Canada who are offering temporary or permanent advertising space anywhere on their bodies for the right price.”
So when will we start to see swimsuit models with ads on their breasts? Sex and money go together like bees and honey. We give it three months.
For the rest of the article, click here.