The Catholic Church is the Proper Master
Introducing the Catholic Hemisphere: Part One of Two

The Hemisphere Hypothesis needs to be claimed for the Catholic Church.
I said it.
I've been writing about Iain McGilchrist's "Hemisphere Hypothesis" for two years now. I've been doing it for the same reason C.S. Lewis said he wrote books: to better understand subjects.
I was like St. Paul, seeing through a glass darkly.
Heck, I'm still seeing darkly.
But the light is there. Things aren't entirely dark--as overwhelming–as they were during my first few months with this "Copernican revolution in metaphysics," when every page McGilchrist wrote took me fifteen minutes to read because I kept stopping to underline, note, and ponder.
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The Catholic Church is the Proper Master
Iain McGilchrist’s Hemisphere Hypothesis can help Catholics understand and thrive in modern times.