Collectors, Hoarders, and the Childless In my youth, I started more collections than a wino starts bottles. I stopped. I don't know why.
"To Play is to Contemplate," James Schall "One should live out one's days playing at certain games--sacrificing, singing, and dancing." Plato, The Laws
Leisure is Counter-Conduct In the modern world of "total work" demanded by the left hemisphere, we need to carve out leisure. It's helpful to understand what "leisure" is.
John Crowe Ransom on Leisure It's hard to pick a favorite essay from I'll Take My Stand, but the lead essay by John Crowe Ransom, "Unreconstructed but Unregenerate," is a leading candidate. The essay spends ample time criticizing what Joseph Pieper also condemned: the world of "total work.
Community Gardens This is an odd little piece. The author applauds gardening because it is a great example of Joseph Pieper's "active leisure." That's a great observation. But she puts it in the context of community gardens, which, the author says, lead people to sharing produce,
Are You Trapped in the World of Total Work? Josef Pieper (with a G.K. Chesterton kicker) teaches us the importance of leisure It’s commonplace knowledge that many of our best ideas hit us in the middle of the night or in our first waking moments. While we are completely at rest, not obsessed with ourselves or our