Middlebrow Writing
There used to be writing that was "middlebrow." You'd find it in urbane and smart publications that were lower than academia and fine writing (highbrow) and higher than sports columnists and dimestore novels (lowbrow).
It was always a limited market. When Henry Fowler self-published his own

Counter-Conduct and Flourishing are the Same Things Except They're Not
Modernity is left-hemispheric. It has led to a culture of left hemisphere presumptions, conditions, and conclusions. As a result, it has led to a population of people with atrophied right hemispheres.
Each of us has an obligation to reinvigorate our right hemispheres. We owe it to ourselves; we owe it
How to be Guerrilla Fighter Against Left Hemispheric Hegemony
A former marine taught me jurisprudence.
Professor Charles Rice was a tough guy. This Irish man dripped with an attitude that said, “Don’t you dare call me a ‘mick.’” He was a no-nonsense guy who raised ten children and was fiercely loyal to the Catholic Church.
I don’t
Off the Grid Since 1693
I live around the Amish. I invited a few to my daughter's wedding last month. I'm currently working on a set of contracts for my largest Amish client. I live within bicycling distance of Shipshewana, which, last I knew, is Indiana's largest tourist destination.
In Amish Country, Buggy Lanes Will Flank Some Rural Roads
Lonnie Lee Hood at The Daily Yonder

Drink that Pint: Flex Your Right Hemisphere, Spit at that Gnostic
Pubs are closing at an alarming rate, possibly as many as 50 every month. Rising energy rates are the immediate culprit, but so is an increasing tendency among Brits to be "economical" and drink at home.
It's a problem:
The death of the local pub, like

Leisure is Counter-Conduct
In the modern world of "total work" demanded by the left hemisphere, we need to carve out leisure. It's helpful to understand what "leisure" is.
What is Time for?
Zena Hitz at Plough

Andrew Senior on John Senior, Proponent of Beauty & Tradition
Julian Kwasniewski at The Imaginative Conservative