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I Think It's Time to Go Organic, but the USDA Makes It Very Difficult by Allowing Dishonest Food Labeling . . . at the Behest of Big Ag and to the Detriment of American Citizens

My doctor takes a sane approach. During consultation, he discusses nutrition, weight loss, and exercise, but has no objection to prescribing drugs if that's what the situation merits.

My blood numbers are very good across the board, except for a cholesterol reading that, given my family history, is a bit high. He said he thinks I should go on a low-dose statin, but he agreed with my objection: "There are a lot of potential side effects." He said he's not a big fan of statins and thinks they might be over-prescribed, but sometimes, he said, the situation calls for them. He said I'm a close call, to do my own research, and he'd respect whatever I decide since either choice (statin or no statin) is a reasonable option in my situation.

He also suggested I drop 5-10 more pounds and cut out all processed food, including all ordinary meat and dairy. He said everything he sees and reads indicates that truly organic meat and dairy could make a big difference and I would have a shot at beating the cholesterol without statins, which is by far the best option. He said he doubts organic vegetables make much difference, but since I grow my own, I should continue; it probably helps a little.

The problem is, however, the USDA and Big Ag. Americans are increasingly aware that processed foods are killing them, so they're willing to pay more for organic. Big Ag sees the trend, so Big Ag has convinced the USDA to allow them to label things as "organic" when they're not really organic. It's a huge problem, and just one of the many ways that the federal government has become a gang of bandits that, literally, kill Americans if it serves their true bosses: big business.

Solution: Only buy products if you can see the chickens, turkeys, and cows behind the store or food stand. Or only if you know the provider personally. Or, maybe, if you can confirm that the grocery chain does its own research to confirm that its products are good (like Trader Joe's apparently does, though I'm not sure it certifies whether its goods are truly organic).

Oiling the Chicken Machine
Garth Brown at The New Atlantis
