Eric Scheske
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John Bender
"Screws fall out all the time. The world's an imperfect place." Age 56. Still anti-establishment after all these years. Fan of Sowell's "constrained vision." Des Plaines, IL
Flannery O’Connor on Sin and Politics
By Darrell Falconburg From The Imaginative Conservative
The Infidels Will Not be Silenced
By Ayaan Hirsi Ali From Unherd
The Creedence Clearwater Revival Revival
From The New Yorker
Exhaustion: Causes, Treatment
By Alan Jacobs
Americans are Rejecting College in Record Numbers
From The Hechinger Report
Why Do So Many Bikes End Up in Waterways?
From The Guardian
‘Eliot After “The Waste Land”’ Review: As Prufrock Grew Old
From The Wall Street Journal
Am I an Idiot for Wanting a Dumber Phone?
From Wired
The Man with the Golden Gun
From The Lamp
Pope Michael, RIP
From The Lamp