Eric Scheske
How Have These Ten Extensions Changed Us?
Toward the end of his life, Marshall McLuhan provided a list of the ten things that have changed us the most.
Perhaps the biggest difference between childhood and adulthood is time. The adult frantically looks for more time. The child looks for ways to fill time.
I filled a lot
Is New Year's Eve Still the King of Alcohol?
New Year’s Eve is dead.
It’s not the biggest bar night of the year. It’s not even the biggest drinking night in general.
I base those claims on a (very scientific and statistical) review of the facts.
First, I spent four minutes on internet searches, which brought

Zero Hedge: Decent Prose?
Robert Kiyosaki supposedly once counseled a new "creator" about the perils of good writing: "It's 'bestselling author,' not 'best-written author.'" His point: If you want to be successful online, you need to write for sales, not art. He's

Don't Let Your Left Hemisphere Ruin Christmas
"I wouldn’t upset my plan for anything. I’d rather upset life than the plan." The Anonymous Schoizoid
The left hemisphere doesn't live. It thinks.
It plans: "How to do this?" "How to tackle that?"
The best way to develop a
Catholicism's Claim to the Hemisphere Hypothesis
Introducing the Catholic Hemisphere. Part Two of Two.
About the Hemisphere Hypothesis
Straight explanations are dryer than Las Vegas in July (unless you're standing in front of the Bellagio Fountains), but I guess I need to explain the Hemisphere Hypothesis. You can find my full explanation here, but

The Catholic Church is the Proper Master
Introducing the Catholic Hemisphere:
Part One of Two

Introducing The Catholic Hemisphere
I've been wrestling mightily with the Hemisphere Hypothesis for the past two years. I've tied it into the Existence Strikes Back project, which is something that has occupied my attention off and on for the past 25 years.
My labors (of love) with THH and ESB

The John's Penance
One thing from Chapter 11 of Tom Holland's excellent Dominion:
A clerical disciple of Abelard argued that, when determining the severity of penance for patronizing a prostitute, the woman's hotness should be taken into account.

Traveling with Your Left Hemisphere
In The Art of Travel, Alain de Botton describes traveling to an island paradise. The first morning, he sat on the beach, coconut trees leaning toward the sea, jungle-covered hills behind him. He then began to think about
a sore throat I had developed during the flight, worry over not