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Whew, things have exploded around the office. After the October 2008 Stock Crash, things really slowed down at the office. I was always busy (thankfully), but it was a leisurely-paced busy. Enjoyable busy, if not as lucrative. But now, it feels like pre-2008 Crash again. It's a good feeling, though I can't say I welcome that old sense of stress creeping back into my life.

I'm just glad I don't have this guy's job (actually, he was a trespasser, but still picking for food): A fruit picker in Indonesia was mauled to death when he fell from a tree into the waiting jaws of two Komodo dragons lying below. I guess dragon attacks are on the rise. From Wikipedia:

The Komodo dragon is a fierce predator with razor-sharp teeth. Although attacks are very rare, Komodo dragons have been known to kill humans. They are considered dangerous to humans, especially children. On 4 June 2007, a Komodo dragon attacked an eight year old boy on Komodo Island. He later died of massive bleeding from his wounds. It was the first recorded fatal attack in 33 years. Natives blamed the attack on environmentalists who don't live on the island prohibiting goat sacrifices, causing the Komodo dragons to be denied their expected food source, causing them to wander into human territories in search of food.


Fight or flight? I'd like to see the Komodo get a jump on this guy:


Good Leno: "More problems for AIG: It turns out that the bonus money was actually $218 million, not $165 million as originally reported. AIG says they misplaced $53 million in bonus money. Today Sen. Chris Dodd said, 'You mean that wasn't a campaign contribution?'"

Not your Laura Ingalls prairie: Girls in Wisconsin have begun ingesting livestock drugs to abort their pregnancies.

