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WaPo and others continue to think there's a way to placate the rioters:

But the insoluble violence in urban France should inspire more than just schadenfreude in this country. Although there isn't yet evidence that this bout of rioting is Islamist in origin, it's pretty clear that large, unintegrated, ungovernable and unemployed Islamic communities in Western Europe will continue to incubate radical Islam. Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th hijacker of Sept. 11, is a Frenchman of Moroccan dissent. The Madrid bombings and the London bombings were also proof that the war on terrorism was never as much about rogue nations in the Middle East as it was about the domestic polices of our closest allies.

What domestic policies would work? Affirmative action? Greater welfare spending? Some other sort of paternalism?

Except as qualified below, there is no domestic policy that will integrate Muslims into Western culture, unless they reject totalist versions of Islam (meaning, an Islam that demands that Muslim beliefs and practices penetrate every level of society, such as public bells ringing for prayer and English banks not handing out piggy banks). I don't know whether the rioters are "Islamic totalists," but the radicals mentioned in this column were/are, and I suspect they're driving much of the unrest.

The only way to stop the Muslim threat in Europe is demographics. Make sure the Muslims remain a small minority and then let them assimilate on their own. The free market is good for this, as Booker T. Washington taught. A person concerned about money (and most of the Western world is) won't mistreat or neglect a person who can help him financially (the writer at WaPo also alludes to the importance of allowing the Muslims to compete in the free market).

If the Muslims are allowed to increase their percentages of the population before they're assimilated, it'll be catastrophic.

In order to stop the Muslim population tide, there are three options: Stop the Muslims from procreating (bad idea; think China's one-child policy). Allow non-Muslims to immigrate to Europe (an option that has its own problems). Start procreating yourselves.

Only the latter will work, but Europe needs to shake off its death wish and embrace life first.

