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Planned Parenthood to Golf to Stabbing

I didn't sleep well last night, so I woke up in a bad mood. I read a news story about Planned Parenthood's promotion of pornography to teenagers, and figured, "I'm in a bad mood already, so I might as well venture over to the dark side." I went to PP's Teenwire and found the article, but I didn't find it as offensive as the news story (though it does normalize pornography and doesn't mention anything about its deleterious effects on the actors, the viewers, and society in general). I did, however, find this Q&A, showing that PP pushes the envelope of sexual absurdity every day: "If I masturbate every day will I run out of sperm?" (The answer is "no," so hammer away.)

That's a crime? What about freedom of expression? Call the ACLU. Call Planned Parenthood! Police arrested a man in a grocery store parking lot after they say he put nude pictures of himself near people's cars.

This happened to my wife back in college (no, it's not how we met). She and a friend were walking back to their apartment. This nut job was walking a half block ahead of them. He dropped a paper on the sidewalk, then walked across the street. They picked up the paper. It was a, um, ah, close-up "private picture." The guy was across the street, looking at them, smiling and nodding enthusiastically. It probably would've been scary, but there was only one of him (not counting his friend in the picture) compared to two young women, plus it was broad daylight near a well-traversed college campus. My wife was pretty sure she knew where he lived, but she didn't want to go to the police. She also declined my offer to thrash him (a chivalry I promptly offered upon hearing that the guy was half my size and apparently mentally addled).

This article says golfing in America is dying. The whole thing fascinates me: Are people deserting golf because they have more important things to do, are we just turning into a bunch of uptight nimrods that don't know how to have fun, do we lack the attention span to do just one thing for 2-4 hours straight?

Good: A kindergarten student with a freshly spiked Mohawk has been suspended from school.

I can see it: An 18-year-old man suffered five stab wounds to the stomach in a fight over how long he was taking in the bathroom. The article doesn't provide any of the details necessary to form a judgment: Was the stabee primping himself? If so, he deserved the stabbling. If he was stool surfing, he should get as long as he needs. And if he was stool surfing, did the guy attack him when he was at his most vulnerable (it's hard to fight with your ankles tied)? Like I said, too many missing details to make a good moral call on this one.
