Immigration Bill

A friend sent out a mass email about the immigration bill. It came yesterday. At first, I thought it was a response to my post yesterday, but it wasn't. It was just a coincidence. She raises a good point:

Dear friends, please pay attention to what is going on with immigration laws in the US Senate right now. Our bishops have asked us to give this our attention and I know that a lot of times their political positions on things seem to have less to do with the gospel and more to do with the Democrat party's agenda, but this situation is very different. We should be very afraid before God to destroy families in the manner that some of the proposed legislation would. At the same time, our government has a moral duty to defend us and our unprotected southern border is a security hazard that we cannot afford in these terrorist times. I have sent this letter to both of my states US Senators.
Letter to Senators:
I am deeply concerned about the current proposals to deal with illegal immigrants. My number one concern is that families which contain an illegal immigrant parent married to a citizen parent not be split up. We do the future of our country no good if we create more fatherless children and separated spouses in this country, and we do Mexico no good to ship parents back there away from their spouses and children. This is a policy that punishes with the most dire consequences the innocent children involved. We are a creative enough country to come up with a better solution within what is supposed to be the greatest deliberative body in the world. I would like to add that securing our border is also very important to me, but securing the border and dealing with the illegals who are here now are two separate topics.
Thank you for your service to our state and country.