Mammoth Cave
You want to take your family to Mammoth Cave? Sorry, no babies allowed, unless you want to carry them in your arms. New security regulations don't allow any baby backpacks. My wife called, and they said "no exceptions."
That rules out my family. With seven children, including a 4, 2, and 1 year old, we simply can't walk the miles required for a Mammoth Cave tour.
It's just, incidentally, one of many ways that society "discriminates" against large families. It's not really discrimination, since they're merely treating us like everyone else, but they pass rules without regard to large families, as if we're "non-entities" or freaks who deserve to be shut-out of certain things. Although I don't believe it's actual discrimination, the federal Americans with Disabilities Act such such conduct is "discrimination" (when it comes to disabled people), so maybe it is.
Excuse the rant, but I'm quite annoyed with our otherwise-excellent National Parks system right now.