

On Jenner

You know how out of it I am? A little while ago (like in early 2014, maybe late 2013), I asked my wife a question about the Kardashians. I'd heard of the attention-mongering sisters and their hangers-on, and I knew one of them was good-looking, but that was the extent of it. Marie then explained to me various things, including, to my surprise, that the mom was married to Bruce Jenner.

I then started paying a bit more attention and one thing became clear to me: Jenner had degenerated into an attention-mongering, vain, self-obsessed caricature of a person. It was so bad, he became a regular punchline on late night TV: "For late-night comedians, Bruce Jenner has always been an easy target. Multiple TV hosts have made brutal jokes about his looks (and obvious plastic surgery) over the years. It's no secret that he's been hurt by the comments – it was even a storyline on 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians.'" Link. I remember when Jenner and Kardashian announced their divorce, a late-night comedian said, "The couple has asked that no one respect their privacy" (rough quote).

And just when the divorce was final and it looked like Jenner could do nothing more to keep attention focused on himself (his hobby since 1976; just glance through the Wikipedia entry), he got a sex change and became a media splash again.

And the media has gone bananas, heralding him as a hero to the LGBT community.

I'm simply stunned. How could this reptiled-soul of a man be anyone's hero? I honestly would've thought a person of Jenner's character becoming sexually-mutated would've been a source of embarrassment for the LGBT. This pitiful person is the best you folks got? This is the life you want to normalize? This is the type of person that ABC/Disney keeps holding up as a good parent for children?

I think I know the response: "Yes, he was a pitiful person, but she has found her true self. Now she will blossom into what she was always meant to become. That's why she's our hero."

And you know what? I could've been persuaded to shut up and wait to see if that was the case, to see if Jenner would seek those signs of happiness that have marked the truly good people throughout the ages: modesty, decency, keeping to oneself, quiet joy.

But I didn't need to wait and see. Not only did he pursue the sex change with every possible media blitz imaginable, he topped it off with a cover shot on Vanity Fair. Vanity freakin' Fair! The cover, in a swimsuit, posed like a 1940s pin-up girl.

It was an advertisement: "I'm still the messed-up, fame-obsessed, intensely self-centered individual I've always been."

Yet the mainstream media and LGBT community has gone wild. They don't see the shame, the pitifulness, the spiritual troll in front of them. Instead, they trumpet it as the future of our country, a country that celebrates "gender diversity" with Jenner as the poster child.

Needless to say, I never bought into "gender diversity." It's politically-correct babble to describe a sad spiritual and/or psychiatric disorder. Nothing more, nothing less.

I knew, obviously, that the cultural left (and media mainstream) vehemently disagreed with me on the issue, but I would've thought the Jenner transformation vindicated my position: Exhibit A that the gender-mixed identity is something to be pitied, discouraged, and counseled, not encouraged, normalized, or celebrated.

Instead, it's being heralded as another LGBT victory.

This essay could go on for pages about this charade, but I'll end it briefly with this observation: Everyone knows this is a farce. They can say what they want, but everyone outside the LGBT community, including the "normal" people in the MSM, know this is intensely embarrassing. Instead of sitting back and asking whether our society does, indeed, want to endorse and encourage mixed gender identities in light of the pitiful state of the people who struggle with such things, they've taken the Orwellian tact of turning it around 180 degrees and trumpeting it as a victory and drowning out any public statements to the contrary.

It's all a lie. They know it, we know it. Eventually, everyone will know it, but not, unfortunately, until immense damage has been done.