
Catholic Arts and Letters Weekly
Aristotle said metaphors are the mark of genius. Others today argue that figurative speech is dangerous. A new book explores. . . . more>>
Rikers juvenile detention: Where toothbrushes are weapons and pop tarts the plunder. But it pales next to its sub-unit, One Main, where "dayroom niggas" and "pop-off dummies" are relatively fortunate. And female guard hires aren't helping matters. . . .more>>
Breaking down Graham Greene: Catholic, dry, clear, strong characters. . . more>>
They're gonna make a car that goes 1,000 mph. 'Nuff said. . . . . more>>
Can you game the game? Yes, and it's not even that hard. Nerd Nirvana: beating the lottery. . . . more>>
Europe has cars that get 63 miles to the gallon. Why don't we get those cars over here? Simple answer: too much regulation. . . . more>>
Porn paradox: PornoTube, RedTube, and YouPorn are bringing down pornography. Kinda. . . . more>> Related: Porn and the middle school dating scene. Warning: NC-17 Links