
“Do you really think Flannery O'Connor was a great writer? She's such a Roman Catholic.” A moron actually asked that moronic question back in 1972 when O'Connor posthumously received the National Book Award. But she has weathered the decades and her popularity is growing, as evidenced by this good review-essay in Commentary . * * * * * Commentary leans to the Jewish persuasion, so I doubt you often see a Catholic novelist featured in its pages. Even more remarkable: I found the link through Arts & Letters Daily, which is run by an atheistic humanist (albeit of the intellectually-honest variety). And what's shameful: I have this issue of Commentary in my stack of reading material and didn't even notice the story. * * * * * Sorry about the Uchitel honey shot yesterday juxtaposed with the Flannery shot today. I hope it wasn't too jarring. But then again, to be honest, I don't find Uchitel nearly as attractive as others find her, and Flannery, at least in this picture, isn't unpleasant. * * * * * Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Lehman Brother's President championed perversity while Lehman exploded.
Mr Gregory, president of Lehman until he was ousted just before the end, should have been focused on the firm's ballooning balance-sheet. Instead he allowed himself to be distracted by a crusade to turn Lehman into a model of political correctness. Mr Gregory championed a gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender network at the firm and hired 30 executives to run inclusion and diversity programmes. He was quickly nicknamed “the Oprah Winfrey of Wall Street”.