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Now that researchers have concluded that divorce is bad for the environment, Theodore Dalrymple humorously asks:

One of the interesting questions that this little piece of research poses is whether the environmentalist lobby will now throw itself behind the cause of family values. Will it, for example, push for the tightening of divorce laws, and for financial penalties–in the form, say, of higher taxes–to be imposed on those who insist upon divorcing, and therefore upon using 46 percent more electricity and 52 percent more water per person than married couples who stay together? Will environmentalists march down the streets with banners reading SAVE THE PLANET: STAY WITH THE HUSBAND YOU HATE?


I hear Dr. Phil is a pig, and he's unoriginal. This op-ed on modesty goes a long way to proving it.

Brews You Can Use

With heavy drinking weather blowing across the land, it might be good remember when to say when. I generally dislike the BAL tests and such scientific approaches to drinking (it's like taking a stop watch with you on your wedding night), but a few fundamental pieces of information might prove useful, especially if you need to drive after a few but want to stay legal.

Beer Picture of the Week

Snow Beer.jpg

