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I'm a little strapped for time again today. I took the three oldest boys to the high school basketball opener. It's "free" ($175 all-sports family pass), two of my boys love sports, the other was playing in the pep band, I know a few of the players, I like basketball, the games are short (about 75 minutes), and it's an enjoyable way to show support for the community. I ended up getting to bed later than usual, though, leaving little time for blogging today. But I have a few things:

Happy Wet Day: Prohibition ended on this day in 1933. Drink one and smirk at a teetotaler.

Everything finds a niche on the Web: A site devoted to photographs of things you're not allowed to photograph. The opening page provides a search prompt: "I'm not supposed to see ________________." I typed "Amish Porn," but didn't get anything.

Go green: Ban serial polygamy: Divorce is not just a family matter. It exacts a serious toll on the environment by boosting the energy and water consumption of those who used to live together, according to a study by two Michigan State University researchers. . . . The researchers calculated that in 2005, divorced American households used between 42 and 61 percent more resources per person than before they separated, spending 46 percent more per person on electricity and 56 percent more on water.

Why not? Illicit sex kills: An Italian firm of undertakers has unveiled its 2008 calendar - featuring glamour models draped over its range of coffins.

Women arrested for breaking into jail to have relations with her husband. I guess the conjugal visit couldn't wait and her husband wasn't happy with Bubba. They actually pulled it off. She was caught on the way out. The husband probably won't care, at least for a few more days.

In case you were thinking things were getting better at college campuses: "Last August, the Office of Residential Life [at the University of Delaware] gave all prospective RAs – the student residential advisers who manage the freshmen dorms – a 'Diversity Training Handbook' that averred, 'all white people living in the United States' are racists, implicated in an 'institutionally perpetuated system of exploitation and oppression.' The rest of the manual reads like history of the world as recounted by Al Sharpton. . .".

