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Massachusetts could face an "angry, divisive" fight if a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage reaches the 2008 state ballot, Rep. Barney Frank says.
The congressman blamed backers of the initiative petition for trying to provoke a new fight despite a lack of controversy over same-sex marriage.
"Basically, they're the disturbers of the civic peace," the Democrat said in a wide-ranging Associated Press interview Thursday. "We now have social peace in Massachusetts. They're the ones who want to stir it up ... This is a non-issue in Massachusetts."


This is classic modern-day liberalism: agitate enough to get your way, then try stop further discussion. It's like a kid who taunts his older brother until his brother chases him, then runs into his room, slams the door, and then screams that the game is over. They did it with abortion; they're doing it with the religion-in-the-public-square debate (a/k/a the "Christmas Wars"). Now Barney Frank wants to do it with homosexual marriage. Something tells me that Barney is okay with further agitation in states where same-sex unions are still prohibited.

