I Thought Opera Singers are Required to be, ahem, Robust
Katherine Jenkins stuns in a black cocktail dress at her gin launch
The opera singer, 42, put on a glamorous display for the launch of her own premium gin named Cygnet in London on Thursday night.
We Can All Use a Primer Now and Then
What Is Bourbon? A Guide to America’s Most Famous Whiskey Style
From bourbon’s history and requirements, to terms like bottled-in-bond, single barrel, and more, here’s your cheat sheet to America’s most famous spirit.
In Case You Still Harbor the Illusion that Wealth = Class and Good Taste
Deluxe Crystal Vodka Is Made With Gold, Crystals And Diamonds — Here’s What To Enjoy With It
Adam Stefanowski is the exclusive importer of the luxury vodka brand, Deluxe Crystal Vodka in the United States. If you haven’t come across this bottle yet it’s most likely because it’s a luxury vodka brand just beginning to hit the U.S. markets.

It's 20 Years Old but It's News to Me
Det. Jimmy McNulty: “Can I get a Jameson?”
Bartender: “Bushmills okay?”
McNulty: “That’s Protestant whiskey.”
The Wire (HBO)
Protestant Whiskey
Det. Jimmy McNulty: Can I get a Jameson? Bartender: Bushmills okay? McNulty: That’s Protestant whiskey. - The Wire I actually didn’t know about this until fairly recently. Apparently it is, or was, a thing among certain Irish-Americans to signal their genuine Irishness by refusing Bushmills and…

That's Some Serious Entrepreneurial Drift
Tesla launches GigaBier: A Cybertruck-inspired $30 beer
Tesla has launched its GigaBier, a limited-edition Cybertruck-inspired beer that is selling for the equivalent of $30 a beer. From…

Limestone Water Gives Kentucky Bourbon Its Edge, Not Colorado Springs Water
Coors Is Releasing Its First True Bourbon: Barmen 1873 - Tasting Table
Coors Whiskey Co. which is part of the Molson Coors empire just announced the release of their very first bourbon, Barmen 1873.

"Okay, You Don't Need to Get the Tonsure. Now Will You Come Brew Some of This Sweet Stuff?"
Last orders? Belgium’s Trappist beers under threat as vocations run dry
The country’s oldest Trappist brewery faces an uncertain future after a decline in people entering monastic life

The Return of Colonialism in Its Worst Form
Authorities Reinstate Alcohol Ban for Aboriginal Australians -
Geoff Shaw cracked open a beer, savoring the simple freedom of having a drink on his porch on a sweltering Saturday morning in mid-February in Australia’s remote Northern Territory. “For 15 years, I couldn’t buy a beer,” said Mr. Shaw, a 77-year-old Aboriginal elder in Alice Springs, the territory’s…

"You Drunk? Naw, Man. It's My Mic." Ha ha. Gotta Love Barkley
Shaq Accuses Charles Barkley Of Being Drunk At All-Star Game
Drinking was the only way to make Sunday’s All-Star game bearable. And Charles Barkley sounded like he got a pre-game in.