Wednesday All Sunny in Media Land "Let's just get the law passed, then we'll let the media take over." I think that was the game plan. From my local newspaper came this story yesterday morning: "Health care gains start soon." That AP story
Socialist Monday Already Tired I have a confession: I write my Monday blog entries on Sunday. Haffta. There's too much going on Monday mornings to surf and post. But yesterday, I couldn't find much to blog about. Everything was about health care [
Tuesday Twitter In February, I wrote a post about the high wages of federal employees []. As I wrote it, I was bothered by one thing: it's difficult to compare federal jobs to private jobs. I know with moral certainty that the government employees aren&
Monday The Lawful Stalker Census takers will be arriving shortly, and they'll be asking a lot of invasive questions. With that in mind, watch this nifty little video []. Caveat: The commentator is correct about the plain wording of the constitution, but I
Monday Ain't Goin' Back! From what I can glean from TV news, Obama's new jobs bill will cost $800 billion over the next two years. Although it contains tax credit for employers who hire new employees, it is geared toward creating more jobs in the public
Monday Grappling to Understand You ever stumble across something huge that you've never heard of? That happened to me this weekend while reading The Atlantic. I read an article entitled, "The Listener []." It's about George Noory'
Brown From the Guardian: "Voters, citing reasons for the shift to the Republicans, repeatedly expressed hostility towards the healthcare bill but also a belief that Obama represented too much government interference, was too leftwing and was spending too much." No wonder I've been so discouraged about America&
Tomorrow's Reading With respect to my earlier post: Tomorrow's reading is from 1 Samuel 8: 4 - 7, 10 - 22: 6 But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, "Give us a king to govern us." And Samuel prayed to the LORD. 7 And the LORD said
Thursday All Show, No Substance You want to see how grotesque national politics has become? Check out this passage from an AP story [] (emphasis added): > Pelosi and four committee chairmen met with the president Wednesday
From the Notebooks A hazy picture is beginning to emerge in my mind. The picture is this: America, the Protestant Empire, has always been opposed to things Catholic. The opposition used to be explicit: the KKK hated Catholics and Jews, as well as blacks. In the twentieth century, such bigotry became unfashionable, so