Odd Consumer News I don't know what's worse: Krupnik [https://thedailyeudemon.com/3347/] or these tampon tree decorations [http://www.tamponcrafts.com/].
Mega-Shut Down Aaron Wolf at Chronicles has a good piece about the mega-churches' decision to shut the doors on Sunday [http://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/cgi-bin/christmas.cgi/Churches%20Against%20Christmas/2005/12/16=] . Excerpt from conclusion: > What we can get at church that we can't get at home
E-Santa Santa Claus is on the 'net: > Out-of-work actor Kevin Lowry thinks he has not only stumbled upon a holiday gold mine, but perhaps his perfect role: Santa Claus. > No matter that the 27-year-old Chicagoan has nary a white hair upon his head, or that he tips the
Cutting Edge Violent Santa From the New York Post: [http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/59662.htm] > A 10-year-old girl was so disgusted by the ghoulish slasher Santa on East 18th Street she wrote the couple who put it in their front yard yesterday and begged them to take it down – for fear
Killing a Bogeyman? The Christmas Wars remind me of a phenomenon that I see repeatedly during volunteer efforts. If I'm in a meeting and a person doesn't like a particular idea, one of the favorite tacts is to raise the specter of liability. "I don't think
Holiday Songs Funny stuff: > In keeping with the spirit of political correctness, the Catholic League recommends the adoption of the following songs at Holidaytime: > “I'm Dreaming of a White Holiday”; “O Holiday Tree”; “All I Want for The Holiday Is My Two Front Teeth; “We Wish You a
Wisconsin Story Follow-Up A reader writes in response to yesterday's post [https://thedailyeudemon.com/3310/] about the Wisconsin school that secularized Silent Night and brought in Labafana the Witch. According to the reader, Labafana has Christian origins, and she referred me to this Wikipedia page [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Befana]
Pope on Advent FYI [http://wireservice.wired.com/wired/story.asp?section=Breaking&storyId=1129685&tw=wn_wire_story] : > Pope Benedict warned on Sunday against rampant materialism which he said was polluting the spirit of Christmas. > "In today's consumer society, this time of the year unfortunately
When Do Kids Stop Believing? I always wondered about this: > Most children start questioning the existence of Santa Claus when they are between 6 and 8. By the time they are 9 or 10, most have ceased believing entirely, said Paul Harris, a developmental psychologist and a professor at Harvard University. Link [http://www.
Go Get 'Em, Liberty Fund The "Christmas Wars" make me a little bit uneasy, but they're necessary. The secularists have beaten the tar out of Christians for too long, and it results in things like the practice in one Ridgeway, Wisconsin elementary school [http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/12/82005a.asp]