BYCU “I've been here when it was glory hole days and when it wasn't. I want me some glory hole!” That's apparently Jerry Jones, the owner of the Cowboys. He's an oil man, so he was probably referring to an oil find, but
Friday What time are the Opening Ceremonies today? London is five hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time, and I think the ceremonies begin at 9:00 London time, so 4:00 our time? Is that correct? I want to make sure to watch all the chicks that are taking advantage of
Tuesday Mini-Review An Anthology by Josef Pieper (1981). Choice quote: "The possibility of incurring guilt is the ultimate existential threat for every person." There are some authors who make you think, "I could just read this guy for the rest of my life. He'd bring me
Saturday Nock Notions "The decade 1887-97 was one of the most extraordinary periods in all the history of America's fantastic civilization; even the period 1929-39 can do but little more than match its bizarre eccentricities. . . . Free silver, the initiative, referendum and recall; farmer-labourism, votes-for-women, popular election of senators,
Friday BYCU A few good drinking quotes: "Conversation, hilarity and drink are connected in a profoundly human, peculiarly intimate way." Kingsley Amis ________________ "While the village remained the social unit, strangers appeared seldom, and when they did they were heavily outnumbered by your family, your friends, people you had
Thursday From the Notebooks Is democracy better than monarchy? I've long thought that question deserves more attention, but I've long thought that a prudent American doesn't ask it, since many Americans view such a question as either treasonous or insane. In fact, it's
Tuesday From the Notebooks The Nock on Babbitt? It's interesting that Sinclair Lewis labeled the repressed character in Babbitt after Irving Babbitt, the Harvard professor from Ohio who emphasized that, for America to survive, men must restrain their appetites. Lewis' use of the eponym was meant as an
Wednesday, July 4th From the Notebooks Many conservatives today seem to think Russell Kirk [] wasn't a libertarian, and if memory serves, he didn't consider himself a libertarian (though he, on more than one occasion, confounded Rothbard's anarchism with
Saturday Mini-Review Leisure, The Basis of Culture by John Pieper (1948). Choice quote: "[T]here can be unused space in the total world of work." Obsessed with efficiency? I am. At least I used to be. I'm a recovering efficiencoholic. It was bad, so bad that my
Friday Mini-Review Studies in Classic American Literature by D. H. Lawrence (1923). Choice quote: “I should think the American admiration of five-minutes tourists has done more to kill the sacredness of old European beauty and aspiration than multitudes of bombs would have done.” Yeah, I know: D. H. Lawrence among Catholic