PSA Sorry that the blogging has been light. I got pulled into a nursing home for a rush estate planning job, and I have other fires to put out. I'll plan on posting some Brews You Can Use later this afternoon, at about the time that I'll
New Blog I just found out that National Review has started a "Crunchy Con" blog []. It's been around for two weeks now. I'm bummed I didn't hear about it sooner. Many excellent people are writing for it, including Rod Dreher
Hitting Critical Mass Approximately 56 new blogs go online every minute. We're at 29.8 blogs right now []. I suspect we'll pass the 30 million mark late tomorrow afternoon.
Married "Bliss" The life of married bloggers. Here, it's Old Oligarch and Zorak, and Zorak recounts the conversation []: > O.O.: "There's Tina Turner! She doesn't look that good. She looks great now, but that's just because she'
The Rise (and Fall?) of Blogging The Financial Times has run one of the best, most-encompassing, articles about blogging that I've ever seen [], though it ends on a remarkably-pessimistic note. It's lengthy, but worth reading if you're interested in the blogging
Catholic Blog Awards If you've been following them, the results are in. Curt Jester has a good run-down that's worth checking out []. I've been asked and in case you're wondering: I didn't make the finalists and, to the
The Monday Eudemon Man, slow news day. Nothing seems worth blogging about. I'm bummed that I missed the fall-fest during ice dancing last night at the Olympics [] . A fall during ice skating can be more dramatic than a wipe-out during
Fat, Thin, What? Where is America right now on the fat/thin axis? Everyone's getting fatter, I know, but are we still worshipping the 13-year-old anorexic look in our advertising and modeling? It looks like it, based on Diet Dr. Pepper's decision to hire Nicole Richie to promote its
Top Super Bowl Commercials Top Ten advertisements in Super Bowl history []. I don't think any of the ads from last night come close to cracking this list.
Sports Blogs I've been meaning to mention: If you want a good sports blog, check out Oddjack [] and Deadspin []. I visit the latter a couple of times a week, the former only a couple of times a month. Still, both are good.