Asteroid City: America is a Strange Land I didn't like the movie, but it was strange. I suppose that's positive . . . or at least, American.
The Battle Between Macroculture and Microculture Is Turning into a War Ted Gioia at The Honest Broker
Everything Bad Is Good for You: A Review This is a groundbreaking book by a clever man who goes too far. Steven Johnson is the cheerleading captain for new entertainment technology. A regular columnist about emerging technology and the bestselling author of Mind Wide Open and other books, Johnson has used his understanding of the mind and popular
Nefarious: Movie Review They almost had it! *SPOILERS* Christian movies have a problem and we all know what it is. Historically speaking, they put the message over the art, which not only leads to worse art, it leads to less effective evangelization. I have never heard anyone tell me: “you know, I wasn’