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Paul Kingsnorth on the Collapse of the Left Hemisphere's Reign and the (Hopeful) Rise of the Tao

The global Machine is teetering, even as it clamps down on its citizenry in an attempt to tamp down unrest and rein in its own wanton destruction of creation and culture. A way of seeing that sets itself against what C. S. Lewis happily characterized as the Tao—the way of great nature, willed by its creator—cannot last, however much it desperately tightens its grip. We are not gods, however much we have always wanted to be.
Everybody is talking these days about the decline of the West, and with good reason. Some people think that Christianity should have something to say about this: that as the faith was the rock on which the West was built, so the faith should rebuild it again, or defend it against its enemies. We need a Muscular Christianity! they insist in the comment sections. Bring on the Christian knights! they shout on YouTube. But I don’t think this is how it works. When the last empire collapsed, the Christians of Europe weren’t trying to build, let alone defend, some construction called “Christendom.” They didn’t plan for the dome of St. Peter’s or the Battle of Lepanto. They were just trying to do the humblest and the only thing: to worship the true God, and to strip away everything that interfered with that worship. They took to the deserts to follow Christ and to battle the Enemy. Their work was theosis. They had crucified themselves as instructed. What emerged as a result, and what it turned into—well, that wasn’t up to them.
Therefore, the Sage manages his affairs without ado,
And spreads his teaching without talking . . . .
He does his work, but sets no store by it.
He accomplishes his task, but does not dwell upon it.
Tao Teh Ching, Chp. 2 (John Wu translation)
A Wild Christianity | Paul Kingsnorth
Through the mouth of the cave I watched the storm front move in from the east. I could already hear . . . .
