Special (Inadvertent) Vodka Edition
In a Shocking Development: Study Shows Russia Leads the World in Per-Capita Vodka Consumption.
Followed by Poland, then Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Slovakia. The United States: 6th. United Arab Emirates: 20th.
Vodka Consumption by Country: Top 20 Countries
In this article, we are going to discuss vodka consumption per capita by country.

It's Called "Aesthetics"
You don't drink vodka from a paper bottle for the same reason you don't read Gibbons' Decline and Fall on a Kindle
There's no reason, but you don't do it for every reason.
Wine in a box works. Absolut asks: Why not vodka in a paper bottle? | Greenbiz
The Swedish spirits company is testing criteria such as potential transport emissions reductions, recyclability and consumer acceptance.

"Hey, Dis Dit Tastes Like Five O'Clock"
Costco Is Offering A Refund On Kirkland Vodka After Numerous Customer Complaints - Tasting Table
Complaints about Kirkland vodka have apparently swayed Costco to act. The brand is offering to give unhappy customers their money back.

And the Other 9% are "Working" from Home
Deep Eddy Vodka Hosts Nationwide V.O.D.K.A Conference After Their Harris Poll Survey Finds 91% of Employed Americans Report Feeling Burnt Out at Work
Inspired by the oldest swimming hole in Austin, TX, Deep Eddy Vodka, one of the fastest-growing American-made spirits brands, embodies a fun-natured s