Amaze your drinking friends this weekend with this batch of lore

I Need Five Cases. Stat!
This Texas-based vodka uses prickly pear cactus and it seems to lessen the hangover
Ryan Sligar and his co-founder, Ryan Springer, worked on the vodka for roughly seven years. This past January, the company officially launched.
Even though I loathe the hangover, it is a blessing.
[D]iscussions [about hangovers] concentrate exclusively on physical manifestations, as if one were treating a mere illness. They omit altogether the psychological, moral, emotional, spiritual aspects: all that vast, vague, awful, shimmering metaphysical superstructure that makes the hangover a (fortunately) unique route to self-knowledge and self-realization. Kingsley Amis
Gethsemani Monastery is Just a Few Miles Away
I fear this upscale place might be more my spiritual pace.
Bardstown’s newest attraction? A bourbon academy that meets in a luxury penthouse.
It’s also home to a private bourbon society that has lockers for special bottles.
Similar Question: How Can Urine be Used in Beer?
The answer to both: Beats me, but both merit a slot in one of Dante's circles.
How can sheep milk be used in vodka in Bourbon County?
If you like a good cocktail with vodka, what if we told you some vodka is crafted from sheep’s milk?

I Vouch for Empress 1908
She's a Fine Lady.
What Is Purple Gin? Inside the Trendy Category of Color-Changing Booze
Whether you’re a seasoned gin drinker or a juniper newbie, you’ve most likely crossed paths with a purple gin. What is it and where did it come from?

Hope for Humanity: There are Apparently Numerous Bourbon Podcasts
Co-Hosts of ‘Bourbon Pursuit’ Podcast to Open Bourbon Experience in Louisville
Pursuit Spirits, founded by the co-hosts of “Bourbon Pursuit,” are set to open a new bourbon visitor experience in Louisville come Fall 2024.

They're Going to Get Us Drunk and Take Back Texas!
It’s Not Just Tequila—Mexican Spirits Are Booming
It’s Not Just Tequila—Mexican Spirits Are Booming
Drinking to the Man with the Big Nose
This might be the lamest "Reason to Drink" entry I've seen, but it's kind of interesting.
July 28: Cyrano de Bergerac’s death day | Modern Drunkard Magazine

In his day Cyrano was a man of no small renown in libertine Paris. He was a well-regarded novelist and playwright, not to mention a highly active and capable duelist. And a fantastic drunkard. He spent all his free time drinking, whoring, gambling, running up huge debts he had no intention of repaying, and, as previously mentioned, getting in duels, none of which he lost, even when he showed up rip-roaring drunk.