Be the interesting guy at the bachelor party this weekend
This Might Win the Award for Most First-World Problem of All Time
“Ladies and gentlemen, please, if you are opening a bottle of Champagne don’t do it as the player is about to serve. Thank you,” Australian umpire John Blom announced
Champagne problems as Wimbledon asks fans to cork it when players serve
Where and when to pop your Champagne is such a Wimbledon problem. A fan got the timing wrong at the oldest Grand Slam tournament, where the bubbly helps wash down the strawberries and cream.
And This Might Win the Award for Most Useful BYCU Piece of All Time
Although quite a few use pretty obscure ingredients.
The 40 Absolute Best Cocktails That Feature Only 2 Ingredients - Tasting Table
Mixologists may have you convinced that a good cocktail takes a lot of ingredients. However, these 40 drinks offer excellent flavors with only two components.

Putting the "F" into "Phony"
Non-drinker Blake Lively accused of ‘cash grab’ as she launches alcohol brand
“Drinking isn’t my thing. But for f* sake, flavor is,” Lively wrote on Instagram of her new Betty Booze brand before being ripped to shreds by critics.

Meanwhile, I Give Dylan a Pass on This Current Shameless Marketing Ploy
It's okay if Bob Dylan does it because, well, he's Bob Dylan . . . and he jumped in five years ago. It doesn't make him P Diddy, but it does give him a little bit of "first mover" cred.
Bob Dylan’s Heaven’s Door Releases 1st Kentucky Bourbon
Heaven’s Door has launched a new bourbon dubbed “Ascension.” The brand has also reworked label designs inspired by Bob Dylan’s metalworking.

Sounds Like Real Mission Impossible Stuff
Thief breaks into California wine shop through its roof and steals $500,000 worth of rare booze
During the theft, which lasted for an estimated four hours, the thief looted the wine cellar of some of the store’s rarest and most expensive wines and liquors.

It Probably Didn't Help to Walk Around Piles of Homeless Excrement on the Way to Work
SF’s Anchor Brewing Company, country’s 1st craft brewery, shutting down after 127 years
“It was great that Fitz Maytag saved it back in 1966. I just wish somebody would save it now.” This latest development comes one month after Anchor announced it was stopping national distribution and discontinuing its Christmas Ale, which it has produced since 1975.

To be Honest, All Vodka Tastes the Same to Me
I often speculate that's why "vodka" translates to "water" in Russian.
The 8 Best American Vodkas Under $20, Blind Tasted And Power Ranked
These eight vodkas that are all under $20 yet are still flavorful enough to find a home on your bar cart as a mixer or neat sipper.

Did They Run Out of Beer?
Can College Students Cope with Stress? | National Review
Surveys seem to indicate that college students are having more and more trouble dealing with stress.

Alcohol Might Improve Heart Health by Reducing Your Stress
A new study finds that light-to-moderate drinking has lasting effects on the brain’s stress system.