Black Wednesday Arrives
Welcome to the biggest bar night of the year. New Years Eve is for house parties. Halloween is for frat parties. St. Patrick's Day is for Irish parties.
Thanksgiving Eve is for bar parties. College kids come home and filter into the local watering hole that declined them service just a few short years earlier. There's no place to sit because it's crowded and the locals like me got there early to get a good place.
Exciting days, indeed, even if only three out of my six sons and sons-in-law can attend this evening.
And even if, alas, my Black Wednesday haunt for 32 years has closed.
Yup, that's right. The lounge I called home once a year for 32 years closed its doors last summer. It's looking for a buyer, but as of today, it's dark.
But the resilient adapt, and that's what I've done. I'm relocating the crew to a spot that is, literally, 250 feet from my office. I'll walk to work this morning, work all day, and then slip over at 4:30 to start the four-day holiday weekend.
I hope everyone has a good time this evening. If you're looking to be the interesting guy at the bar tonight, good Thanksgiving and drinking fare follows.
Happy Thanksgiving.