Drunks and Stoners are Bright, Creative, and Talented, But I Don't Want to be One Hey Dude, Let’s Inherit the KingdomIf you want to inherit the kingdom, look with the eyes of the little child. Or maybe drink a few cocktails. Here’s the thing about kids: Their prefrontal cortexes aren’t developed. Their PFCs don’t fully develop until their early twenties. PFCs
Rare Figs + a Strain of Yeast from 850 B.C. = Ancient Egypt Beer The idea came to Dylan McDonnell early in the pandemic, when a sourdough-baking craze took over a nation under lockdown. Mr. McDonnell, an amateur brewer who lives outside Salt Lake City, saw Seamus Blackley, a video game designer, boasting on social media about baking bread with 4,500-year-old Egyptian yeast.
A Magisterial Appreciation for a Magisterial Effort: Fadiman's Lifetime Reading Plan Nathan Payne at The Lamp