The growing movement to restore classical education Chesterton articulates so well [this vision] of education being the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to the next
What Did the Classics Do to Christianity? Specifically, what did the Humanists' emphasis on the Classics do to Christianity at the beginning of the modern world?
Every Town has a Story Worth Saving: A Review of Hello, Bookstore Is there another art form as dependent on chance as the documentary film? In 2019, director A.B. Zax set out to capture the story of the appropriately-if-unimaginatively-named The Bookstore, a fixture of Lenox, Massachusetts owned and operated by its proprietor Matthew Tannenbaum since 1976. With the arrival of COVID-19
Great Books Podcast Episode Roosevelt Montás on Rescuing Socrates - EconlibHow do books change our lives? Educator and author Roosevelt Montás of Columbia University talks about his book Rescuing Socrates with EconTalk host Russ Roberts. Drawing on his own educational and life journey, Montás shows how great books don’t just teach us stuff–