Eric Scheske
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John Bender
"Screws fall out all the time. The world's an imperfect place." Age 56. Still anti-establishment after all these years. Fan of Sowell's "constrained vision." Des Plaines, IL
A Forgotten Catholic Novelist
Stephen Schmalhofer at First Things
My Part in Vice’s Downfall
Aris Roussinos at UnHerd
Counting the Cost of Progress
Mary Harrington at Plough (Book Excerpt)
David Hume's Warning on Forever Wars
Daniel Klein at Law & Liberty
Good Conversation and the Talking Cure: A Review
Amanda Patchin at Front Porch Republic
A.I. and the Search for the Human
Norman Fiering at Law & Liberty
The Neon God
Paul Kingsnorth at The Abbey of Misrule
On Milosz, Exile, and Humane Art
Rachel E. Hicks at Front Porch Republic
Nature is Healing
Sam Kriss and The Lamp
Self-Cancellation, Deplatforming, and Censorship
Nick Gillespie at Reason