Introducing Blaise Pascal: The First Anti-Modern If we’re going to battle against modernity, we need to recognize our champions. Pascal might have been the first.
At Substack: McGilchrist Explains Huxley If the left hemisphere's grip on people's minds can be loosened, McGilchrist says, their perceptions will change. They will see "into the depth of things . . . all at once [and] recognize them for what they are, no longer overlaid by our projections." When this happens,
Eric Scheske's Substack Has Launched Many of you just received an email from the Substack platform. I hope that's alright.
The Seven Deadly Sins are Dispositions of the Left Hemisphere Primer: Understanding the Hemisphere HypothesisMany smart people think Iain McGilchrist has effected a Copernican revolution in metaphysics. I tend to agree. Here’s a summary of the revolution.The Daily EudemonEric Scheske When you throw that vase against the wall and scream "f****! (fudge), you're sinning. The
Why I Don't Stay Informed I'm glad the Establishment didn't succeed in destroying JRE during COVID. It’s pretty much the only way I stay informed to the extent I want to be informed. I agree with Nassim Taleb’s observation that there’s no reason to read the daily news,
Scrolling Blog: June-July 2024 July 12, 2024 People who still believe that the news media tell them the truth and that their nation and their world work pretty much the way they were taught in school are just as brainwashed and deluded as any QAnon cultist. Caitlin Johnson Caitlin Johnstone on SubstackPeople who still
Deadpool Doesn't Matter Endgame ended me. After that, I pledged never to watch another Marvel superhero film. And it wasn't because I barely survived the CGI waterboarding. And it wasn't because Brie Larson, adorable in 21 Jump Street, was insufferable as Captain Marvel, giving us the biggest fall in
How Many Beers Does It Take to Find the Tao? C.S. Lewis would’ve said “zero.” It’s the Tao that helps you find the beer. It is Nature, it is the Way, the Road. It is the Way in which the universe goes on, the Way in which things everlastingly emerge, stilly and tranquilly, into space and time.
The Left Hemisphere Deranges People Out of the Local, Driving Them Through Rationalism into the Clutches of Ideology, including Nationalism The community is embodied existence: you rub against the white trash and the petty; you rub against flawed humans like yourself. You have to deal with it . . . in reality, not in a rational idea. When you escape it through abstraction, you become the anti-Mother Teresa