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Web traffic drops drastically during the holidays, so I'm not terribly inclined to spend time putting together a great post ("Hey Scheske, you never put together a great post!"), but here are a few things:

Are pro-abortion Catholics Catholic? Of course. Canon lawyer Ed Peters explains (via):

A Catholic's involvement in pro-abortion advocacy might (depending on the usual criteria) be gravely sinful, but since when is any Catholic who commits a grave sin no longer Catholic? Catholics who commit grave sin are still Catholic, albeit Catholics in mortal sin. If Catholics die in that state, they go to Hell as Catholics, not as former Catholics. The essence of the scandal given by pro-abortion Catholics lies precisely in the fact that they are Catholics. If they weren't Catholic, what would all the shouting be about?


Won't need to ask me to leave twice:

An Australian hotel catering for homosexuals has won the right to ban heterosexuals from its bars so as to provide a safe and comfortable venue for gay men.

A little queer Plessy v. Ferguson might do western civilization a lot of good.

Advanced Marketing 301: "Creating Your Own Target Audience":

Police say elementary school students tipped them off to an ice cream truck driver who was apparently selling $5 and $10 bags of marijuana from the truck. Most customers were in the third, fourth, and fifth grades.


Heck, I didn't get eight hours of sleep last night because I was watching the Pistons and talking with my wife about a trip out west. I'll be lucky if I don't thrash my two-year-old for breathing too loud. I can't imagine what a bear this guy is:

A Cornish man says he has broken the world record for sleep deprivation by staying awake for 11 days and nights.


Maybe I'll stop my customary holiday-eat-like-a-pig-a-thon: 560 pound woman goes to the bathroom, gets stuck. Ten hours later, relative finds her and calls paramedics, who can't budge her. Paramedics call fire department, who take 4 hours and 15 men to free her.

