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H.I.F. Two Items

1. More on the German mass sexual assault on New Years Eve. This, from a Pakistani journalist: "I feel that Islamic culture and European norms are not compatible”¦. What happened in Cologne happens regularly in my homeland, Pakistan. The men are never ashamed, never feel guilty, never show remorse about the way they treat women in that part of the world. The men who sexually harassed girls in Cologne were not demented; they knew what they were doing. And I am sure they did it with absolute contempt for the European culture, its norms and its people." Link.

The writer who quotes the Pakistani offers this: "The Cologne cover-up has been a very good thing as well because it will persuade Germans not to trust the media or their leaders on the subject of migrants. The authorities, which were not able to prevent the attacks (fair enough–they had no warning), leaped into action to censor 'hate speech' on social media."

To which I'd add: American MSM has been doing that for years. Way back in the 1990s, Detroit news outlets stopped reporting skin color when a suspect's description was given out.

2. Possible stock leads for these troubled times. Your call.

