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Weekend BYCU

I like it when another person thinks like me. This guy read a study, called "bull____," and used common sense/experience to explain why the scientific study is obvious bunk: What men really talk about in the pub.

A study found that men "hold sensitive, caring discussions about children and relationships, rather than adhering to the cliché by bantering about sex and football." That's so patently ridiculous, the "scientists" ought to be taken out and unceremoniously shot for being such androgyne-promoting con artists (I tell ya, no lie is too big for the folks who want to wipe out any difference between the genders).

The writer calls out the scientists, then offers the reality:

If you actually want to know what men talk about in the pub, just go into a pub with men in it and listen. You'll hear a drunken orchestra of conversations, which can all be placed into one of only three categories:
Drinking. It may sound circular to talk about drinking whilst drinking, but men love nothing more than howling with laughter about all the ridiculous scrapes they have got into while a little bit worse for wear. Even if they have grown up/gone into recovery, they will still hopefully have a wealth of youthful disgraces to re-live as they grow older and more sensible.
Fighting. In some circumstances this may be actual punchy fighting, but mostly it's one of the many combat proxies ”“ like sport, or other competitive areas such as work and one-upmanship. Men love to bat around endless scenarios of who would beat whom in a scrap/race/hot dog-eating competition. It's just what being a man is about.
Phwoaring: Men rarely discuss anything sensitive like erectile dysfunction (unless it's booze-related, and therefore funny) ”“ but neither do most of them discuss actual sex. Everyone knows at least one “guess who I'm shagging?” bloke who is always trying to impress people, but most men quickly tire of this, as there's no entertainment value in it. There is, however, lots of cor-blimey-wahay-wouldn't-mind-a-bit-of-that. It's all quite harmless, but it's also not surprising they rein it in a bit when the cameras are rolling.

