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One of the most interesting things I read this week:

From Reddit: TIL a $1.99 bottle of wine, Two Buck Chuck, beat 2300 other wines to win the 28th Annual International Eastern Wine Competition
— The Daily Eudemon (@TheDailyEudemon) March 15, 2015

"Two Buck Chuck" (now "Three Buck Chuck") is a Trader Joe phenomenon. Its formal name is Charles Shaw, but even though I've purchased no fewer than 100 bottles of the stuff over the course of my life, I had to Google "Three Buck Chuck" to remember its real name. My Mom really likes the stuff and I occasionally drink it. It's definitely worth the price, though a few friends think it leads to nastier hangovers. Could be. When I drink much red wine, I always wake up feeling like a took ten sudafed the night before. Ample doses of the water during the evening help but not enough.

