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The Panacea

What are the three biggest problems confronting the United States today? There are lots of candidates, but I think most people, regardless of moral or political or religious persuasion, would put these three in the top 5: the economy, rogue nations and the atom bomb, terrorism.

Fortunately, someone has finally come up with a solution to all three: Construction of an imperial death star. The cost would be approximately $852 quadrillion. It would entail government spending on a huge scale, and such spending, the Krugneysians assure us, helps the economy. Rogue nations wouldn't dare trifle with us, and if it's accurate enough, we could use it to target small regions known to harbor terrorists. It would also assure that our empire would never fall, so we wouldn't end up like those silly Romans over 1,500 years ago.

The details are here. It's the best idea I've heard in a long time.

Damn it, Mitt!

Well, if you woke up early enough this morning, you would've seen some pretty colorful prose about Mitt Romney. The SoB campaign called my house three times yesterday with campaign ads (and ten or more times over the past week). After some binge drinking (five drinks), I went to my computer and unleashed a barrage at the Romney campaign's complete lack of propriety. I woke up this morning, sober and groggy, and concluded my prose wasn't appropriate--not as inappropriate as the Romney campaign's phone tactics, but still inappropriate, so I deleted it.

The bottom line is, I genuinely question the judgment and prudence of a man who would approve such an inconsiderate campaign tactic. Two weeks ago, I merely thought he wasn't the appropriate person for the office, which lumped him into a category with 99% of all other politicians. Now I genuinely dislike him.

And the phone tactics have definitively cost him my wife's vote. She voted for him 2008 (not because she was a fan, but because she didn't like McCain). She was on the fence about him this year, until the phone campaign. Now she will placate her husband and vote for Ron Paul.

Drinking Corner

More material on binge drinking and the colder climates. It turns out that there's a direct correlation between cold temperatures and drinking, so it's no coincidence that the northern states binge drink more than the southern.

Banjo Me

I like banjo music. This article got me thinking about Steve Martin's banjo playing, so I Googletubed some videos. This is the best one I found:

