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Bradbury and Tea

Happy nineteen years of marriage to my wife, Marie. The marriage seems to be going better than ever, but I haven't gotten her input on that issue. * * * * * *
I gotta read Farenheit 451: "Ray Bradbury hates big government: 'Our country is in need of a revolution.'" Of course, he apparently says some stupid things, too: "We should never have left [the moon]. We should go to the moon and prepare a base to fire a rocket off to Mars and then go to Mars and colonize Mars. Then when we do that, we will live forever." Russell Kirk was a big fan of his. * * * * * * * Doing that new caveman diet? Check out this list of snacks. * * * * * * * Jimmy Fallon: "A new survey found that 48 percent of Americans are willing to try out a nude beach for vacation. And my guess is that it's the wrong 48 percent." * * * * * * * This article reminded me of a new hobby: brewing my own iced tea. I use the Mr. Coffee ice tea maker. I put citrus-flavored green tea and black tea bags in the filter. As the tea pours out, I add a small amount of sugar, a lot of honey, and a lot of cinnamon. The result is a delicious drink with four of the healthiest foods on the face of the planet (green tea, black tea, honey, cinnamon) in a caffeine-jolt. I've been making it for about eight months now, but recently ran into a glitch. I can't find the cinnamon I previously used, and now the cinnamon coagulates and makes the tea slimy. It's not very good and some batches have been simply awful. If anybody has any insight into what could be causing different brands of cinnamon to behave this way, please email me (or use comments box).

