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Worst Beer Ever

Neo-Prohibitionism in Different Shapes

Mormon morality run amok? Big Brother Syndrome? Stupidity? Not sure, but I've never heard of anything like it before: Utah bar owners must run "an electronic scanner on driver licenses of anyone who looks 35 years old or younger. The penalty for failing to electronically verify licenses is akin to serving alcohol to a minor." Pretty harsh. One otherwise-clean bar paid fines in excess of $1,000 for serving young people over age 21, but failing to run the scanner. Sounds absurd, and I can't believe it's an accident that such a law surfaced in Utah. * * * * * It reminds me of why BYU often doesn't get the college football bowl game invites it deserves. One promoter said, "BYU fans roll into town with a $100 bill in one hand and the Ten Commandments in the other. They leave town without breaking either of them." * * * * * The worst beer of all time? It might be something called "Bud Light Chelada." Rate Beer pummels it. Among the comments: "Completely undrinkable crap. As if Bud Light wasn't bad enough, now they add clam juice & tomato to it? Foul & Nasty. Like drinking beer mixed with chum. Pour one for somebody you hate" and "It tastes like someone urinated in a Bloody Mary and mixed in some sea water. This is the most foul thing that could be put in one's mouth." Maybe the Mormons brewed it as part of their stealth war against drinking.

