So I come home for lunch and click on Fox Sports 1. It's 12:05. What are they showing? A dog agility competition.
Un-freakin' believable.
So I reluctantly switch over to gushing-gay ESPN, which shows, you know, sports stuff. SportsCenter is on. Front and center? Michael Sam.
An anonymous GM was quoted as saying that many teams aren't going to be comfortable with Michael Sam. ESPN then interviewed DeMaurice Smith, a complete self-righteous ass, who called the GM "gutless" for not giving his name.
Gutless? Gutless for what? Not willing to put up with relentless insults, plus one-sided and disingenuous attack stories from ESPN and the other media outlets? Gutless for not wanting to be called "prehistoric" (a term used in a Yahoo sports story yesterday about people who don't want a gay NFL teammate)? Gutless for not wanting to become the poster boy of bigotry merely because you agree with, let's see, 2,000 years-plus of moral norms? Gutless for not wanting to risk legal sanctions, like the ones Canada is dishing out to people who believe homosexual activity is a sin and conduct their lives in accordance with that belief?
To be honest, I'm not entirely comfortable typing this post on my little square of the cyber-universe, for fear that the Gay Nazis will turn me over the MSM Thought Police or, worse, future statutes outlaw this kind of post, turning my blog archives into evidence that everything I say is, in reality, anti-gay and punishable with fines and jail.
And meanwhile, Mr. Smith thinks he's courageous because he speaks out in favor of gays? Since when does it take courage to support anything associated with sexual libertinism?
If the anonymous GM is gutless, Mr. Smith is a quivering coward stuck in the prehistoric 1980s. It takes no guts to applaud homosexuality these days. None whatsoever. In 1974? Maybe. In 2014? None, zero, zilch: the press and politicians have your back.
On the other hand, it takes guts, and a measure of stupidity, to disagree with any of it.
I won't say that NFL GM is brave. I have no idea. But I'm pretty sure he's not stupid.