
Politics in Sports

The following is from a 1990 essay by Murray Rothbard. It reminds us of our earlier musings about the efforts of ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and other media to push homosexuality into sports. It also reminds us of the effort every March to force the Women's NCAA Basketball Tournament down our throats. There's also a possible connection with yesterday's steroid testimony in Washington DC, but that analysis would be a tangent and, since we have to get a lot of work done quickly so we can drink beer and watch the NCAA basketball games at 3:00, we can't get into it now.

“I like to think that sports writers are above politics; that sports and only sports fills their minds. But now, they too have succumbed, and are, in fact, viciously leftish whenever politics is deemed to be relevant to sports. The writers for The National, the cream of the sports writing profession, invariably lead the vanguard of the Hate Thought Police. The latest flap, of course, is the Locker Room Controversy. Male pro football players of the New England Patriots, getting edgy and distracted when a female reporter invaded their locker room after a game, surrounded her and made suggestive remarks. Ohh, wow! What a fuss! What a twitter: The female reporter, asserting her rights as a "professional" among hundreds of other female sports journalists, insisted that she was "mind raped." What in blazes is "mind rape?" A new crime invented for the occasion, a crime apparently only slightly less odious than rape-rape. When Victor Kiam, owner of the Patriots, defended his players, organized feminism threatened all sorts of sanctions, including a boycott of Kiam's Lady Remington razors.”