Monday Moanin'

I want to revisit the birding issue. Looking back at my post, it was too harsh. Someone once told me, "Don't question another person's hobbies." It's good advice. Birding is no more inane than any other hobby. Heck, it's arguably no more inane than blogging. Because I think blogging is a type of literary pursuit, albeit often a shallow one, I tend to put it above birding, beer can collecting, and NASCAR, but it's not really my place to establish an hierarchal ordering of pursuits. (If birding is below blogging but above NASCAR watching--which would be my opinion--what's below NASCAR? Hurling one's own excrement like a caged monkey? Some learned men might disagree.) Anyway, I don't really feel like sitting in judgment on other people's hobbies, hence the appropriateness of the advice, "Don't question another person's hobbies." I do, however, request better application of the corollary advice (which I caught a glimmer of in Bill's comment): Don't question somebody if they don't share your hobby.

Is that French? A New Mexico appeals court on Friday ruled against a Los Alamos man who wanted to change his name to a phrase containing a popular four-letter obscenity. The man appealed after a state district judge in Bernalillo County refused his request to change his name to "F-- Censorship!"

I've been to Flint. Get ready to build more Folsom Ramadas: A town's new police chief has banned low hung trousers that expose wearers' bums. Police Chief David R Dicks, of Flint, Michigan, says his officers will arrest people who wear their pants too low.

Is she pro-gay or merely yearning for free Big Macs? Queen Elizabeth owns a drive-through McDonald's burger restaurant, the Royal accounts have revealed.

Hey man, that's what started the plague that killed off 95% of the world in I am Legend. Cancer Cured? Granulocytes Treatment Worked 100 Percent In Mice Work But Will It Work In Humans?