Saturday Stuff

Company weekend. Marie's brother is taking his sons (7 and 9) to Kalamazoo's Air Zoo for a cub/tiger scout outing. He dropped off his wife and daughter at our place last night. He's coming back today. I mention it because Andy read the itinerary to me, which is accurately summarized: "Museum tour and rocket making from 7:30 to midnight, movie from midnight to 2:00, sleep, up at 6:30 for breakfast and rocket launch."

Four-and-a-half hours of sleep for a pack of young boys. I was laughing (knowing I'd get a solid eight hours last night). Andy said, "Yeah, the pack leader's a great guy, but he's a little gung-ho." Hitler was gung-ho, too. Maybe these are the Scout Nazis.

If you're interested in the race issue, check out John McWhorter's review of Larry Elder's Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card–and Lose. It has interesting facts and good insight. First, some facts:

Elder quotes James Q. Wilson's 38 most important words for black Americans: “Finish high school, marry before having a child, and produce the child after the age of twenty. Only 8 percent of families who do this are poor; 79 percent of those who fail to do this are poor.” Few could deny the wisdom of that counsel, but many fail to see that it logically requires letting go of the racism fetish. As Elder puts it: “Racists do not prevent kids from studying, racists do not demand that men father children outside of wedlock.” And further: “Complete and total eradication of racism cannot instill the necessary moral values that create healthy, prosperous communities.”
Besides, Elder observes, “if racists hold blacks back, they're doing a bad job.” In 2003, total earned income by blacks was $656 billion, a sum so large that this “black GDP–if blacks represented their own country–places them within the top sixteen countries in the world.”

Second, the insight:

The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 suddenly left black people responsible for proving themselves before they had had a chance to overcome their internalized sense of inadequacy. After centuries of marginalization, this should not have been surprising. There were now two ways for a black person to make his way. He could embrace accountability and work to take advantage of the new opportunities. Or he could fashion a sense of legitimacy by playing the noble victim, exploiting white America's new susceptibility to such postures.


Ten prophetic sci-fi movies. Pretty good list, though I've only seen a few of them. Via.

That's it for now. A writing deadline and out-of-town clients arriving later this morning call.