I've come down with the stomach flu. It's not nearly as bad as the bronchitis/flu/plague thing I had earlier this month (thank goodness), but highly unpleasant: Playing both ends of the court, mild headache, chills. I'm the seventh person in my house to catch it in seven days. Only Alex (14) and Tess (2) haven't come down with it. Tess assures us she caught it last week, too, but we're suspect. She saw that sick kids got unlimited TV watching and 7-Up, then suddenly she became sick. Wanted a wash cloth for the head, a blanket on the couch, etc., but within 45 minutes she was bouncing around and laughing. That hasn't been the track the rest of us have taken with this thing, but it does appear to be a short-lived ailment.
Fortunately, I had some material ready to roll for Monday morning, which I went ahead and finished Sunday evening during a post-hurl reprise.
The director of a Norwegian museum claimed yesterday to have discovered Disney cartoons drawn by Adolf Hitler during the Second World War. It appears the Fuhrer was partial to the seven dwarves: Bashful, Doc, Gentile, and Hebe-hater.
A group of researchers from the University of Oxford will spend $3.9 million on a three-year study to “explain” why humanity believes in God. Roger Trigg, a senior research fellow at the Center, said the almost $4 million would be used to respond to the question, “What is it that is innate in human nature to believe in God, whether it is gods or something superhuman or supernatural?" The answer: It is innate to believe in something that exists. Cultures everywhere believe in trees and dirt, love and hate, the sun and moon. Why this innate belief in such things? Because they exist.
Please make the $4 million check payable to Eric Scheske, c/o of his wife, who'll use it to buy other things people innately believe in, like food, clothes, and household repairs.