Looking for Blogs

This time, I'm looking for political blogs: Catholic bloggers who devote a large part of their blogs to political commentary. There are hundreds, potentially thousands, of these, so I'd appreciate it if you only provide the excellent or your own (don't be modest).

Note: I'm especially curious to know of any leftward-leaning Catholic political blogs. I want to hear about right-leaning bloggers, too, but I'll find plenty of them. It could be hard to find lefties.

Additional Note: You don't need to mention any of these nominees from the 2007 Catholic Blog Awards, unless perhaps you think any of the bloggers in the lower rungs deserve to be higher on the list:

Best Political/Social Commentary Catholic Blog
The Anchoress
Catholic and Enjoying It
The Curt Jester
Jimmy Akin
Hermeneutic of Continuity
The Dawn Patrol
American Papist
Relapsed Catholic
Priests for Life
Evangelical Catholicism
The Public Square
Roman Catholic Blog
Mirror of Justice
Against the Grain
Off the Record
Darwin Catholic
Singing In The Reign
The Devout Life
Pro Ecclesia, Pro Familia, Pro Civitate
A Nun's Life
dot Commonweal
American Inquisition
Dyspeptic Mutterings
Thoughts of a Regular Guy
Provoking the Muse
Rerum Novarum
Built on a Rock
Caelum et Terra
Knisja ta` l-erwieh
Catholicism Holiness and Spirituality
Against All Heresies
Kansas City Catholic
The Propaganda Machine
Antonia's World
man with black hat
Aggie Catholic
Clairity's Place
Totus Pius
The World...IMHO
Coalition for Fog
The ChesterBelloc Mandate
Reasons and Opinions
Christus Vincit
Ales Rarus
Hallowed Ground
Catholic Analysis
Catholic Fire
Church of the Masses
The Distributist Review
Reflections of a Secular Franciscan
Cor ad cor loquitur
In Today's News
The Lamb and the Dragon
Stella Borealis
John Browne's Blog
Aun Estamos Vivos
Still running off at the keyboard